ELA Standards

We've built over 300 research-based writing, grammar, and proofreading activities organized by the Common Core standards. We are a nonprofit organization, and all of our activities are and will always be free. Each of our activities takes approximately 10-15 minutes. Teachers using Quill in a 1:1 classroom tend to assign Quill activities as a warm up exercise at the beginning of a class or as a group activity with the whole class.

2.1a Use collective nouns

Proofreading - Kenova, West Virginia
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.
Subject-Verb Agreement with Collective Nouns 3
Students practice subject-verb agreement by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.

2.1b Use irregular plural nouns

Deer, Geese, & Mice 1
Students practice using irregular plural nouns by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Feet & Teeth 1
Students practice using irregular plural nouns by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Irregular Plural Nouns 1
Students practice using irregular plural nouns by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Irregular Plural Nouns Ending With F, Fe, & O 1
Students practice using irregular plural nouns by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.

2.1c Use reflexive pronouns

Reflexive Pronouns 1
Students practice using reflexive pronouns by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Reflexive Pronouns 2
Students practice using reflexive pronouns by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.

2.1d Use the past tense of frequently occurring irregular verbs

Became, Knew, & Made 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Broke & Built 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Came, Did, & Went 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Hid & Sat 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Proofreading Verb Tenses - Icarus's Flight
Students find and correct verb tense errors within a text.
Saw, Dug, Found
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Spoke & Wrote 1
Students practice writing irregular past tense verbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined present tense verb to past tense.
Was & Were 1
Students rewrite sentences, changing present tense to be verbs to past tense.

2.1e Use adjectives and adverbs

Adjectives Ending in Y & E to Adverbs 1
Students practice using adverbs by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined adjective to an adverb.
Adverbs of Manner 1
Students practice using adverbs of manner by combining 2 sentences.
Adverbs of Manner 2
Students practice using adverbs of manner by combining 2 sentences.
Adverbs of Manner 3
Students practice using adverbs of manner by combining 2 sentences.
Changing Adjectives to Adverbs 1
Students practice using adverbs of manner by combining 2 sentences. Students must change the adjective in the second sentence to an adverb before combining the sentences.
Coordinate Adjectives - Alaska
Students practice using paired adjectives by combining sentences using "and."
Lesson 1: Adverbs
Students learn to identify adverbs of manner, add them to simple sentences, and combine sentences using adverbs of manner. This is lesson 1 of 2 in the adverbs lesson series.
Lesson 1: Single Adjectives
Students learn to identify adjectives and add them to simple sentences. This is lesson 1 of 2 in the adjectives lesson series.
Lesson 2: Adverbs Review
Students apply what they learned in Lesson 1: Adverbs by writing a paragraph that correctly includes four adverbs of manner. This is lesson 2 of 2 in the adverbs lesson series.
Lesson 2: Single Adjectives Review
Students apply what they learned in Lesson 1: Single Adjectives by combining sentences using adjectives. This is lesson 2 of 2 in the adjectives lesson series.
Listing Adjectives 3
Students practice listing adjectives by combining 3 sentences.
Single Adjectives 1
Students practice using adjectives by combining 2 sentences.
Single Adjectives 2
Students practice using adjectives by combining 2 sentences.

2.1f Produce, expand, and rearrange complete simple & compound sentences

Compound Objects - Fossils
Students practice writing compound objects by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Objects - Outer Space
Students practice writing compound objects by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Predicates 1
Students practice writing compound predicates by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Predicates - Ancient Egypt
Students practice writing compound predicates by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Predicates - Reptiles
Students practice writing compound predicates by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Predicates with Shared Phrases 1
Students practice writing compound predicates by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Subjects 1
Students practice writing compound subjects by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Subjects 2
Students practice writing compound subjects by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Subjects - Biomes
Students practice writing compound subjects by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Subjects, Listed Objects, & Predicates 1
Students practice writing with compound subjects, listed objects, and predicates by combining 2-3 sentences. Students must decide which structure works best with the ideas in the prompt.
Compound Subjects, Objects, & Predicates 1
Students practice writing compound subjects, objects, and predicates by combining 2 sentences. Students must decide which structure works best with the ideas in the prompt.
Compound Subjects, Objects, & Predicates - Superheroes
Students practice writing compound subjects, objects, and predicates by combining 2 sentences. Students must decide which structure works best with the ideas in the prompt.
Compound Subjects, Objects, & Predicates - The Great Wall of China
Students practice writing compound subjects, objects, and predicates by combining 2 sentences. Students must decide which structure works best with the ideas in the prompt.
Compound Subjects, Objects, & Predicates - The Moon
Students practice writing compound subjects, objects, and predicates by combining 2 sentences. Students must decide which structure works best with the ideas in the prompt.
Compound Subjects - Renewable & Fossil Fuels
Students practice writing compound subjects by combining 2 sentences.
Expanding Sentences With Adjectives 1
Students rewrite sentences, adding the two provided adjectives to the appropriate places.
Expanding Sentences With Adjectives 2
Students rewrite sentences, adding the two provided adjectives to the appropriate places.
Listing Objects 1
Students practice listing objects by combining 3 sentences.

2.2a Capitalize holidays, product names, and geographic names

Capitalizing Geographic Names & Holidays 1
Students rewrite sentences, adding the correct capitalization.
Proofreading Capitalization - Chinese New Year
Students find and correct capitalization errors within a text.
Proofreading - Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.
Proofreading - The Pilgrims
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.

2.2c Use an apostrophe to form contractions

Apostrophes (Follow-Up for Lesson 1)
Rewrite the sentence and put the apostrophe in the appropriate place. There may be two apostrophes needed.
Common Contractions 1
Students practice forming contractions by rewriting sentences and changing the underlined words to a contraction.
Don't & Haven't 1
Students practice forming contractions by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined words to a contraction.
I'm & Let's 1
Students practice forming contractions by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined words to a contraction.
I've & That's 1
Students practice forming contractions by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined words to a contraction.

CCSS Grade 2 Formative Assessments

Proofreading - The Sun & the Moon Myth
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.